The Importance of Project Deadlines & Why We Excel at Meeting Them

Project deadlines play a crucial role in the success of any endeavour. They provide structure, foster accountability, and drive efficiency. Let us delve into the significance of project deadlines and explain why our organization stands out as a leader in meeting them consistently and effectively.

Driving Focus and Prioritization:

Project deadlines serve as guiding beacons that instill focus and prioritize tasks. By setting a specific date or timeline for project completion, teams are compelled to organize their efforts, allocate resources efficiently, and streamline their workflow. With a well-defined deadline in place, individuals can better assess the urgency of tasks, make informed decisions, and avoid unnecessary delays. Our organization recognizes the criticality of driving focus and prioritization through project deadlines, ensuring that each team member understands their responsibilities and works towards accomplishing them within the stipulated time frame.

Enhancing Accountability:

Project deadlines promote a culture of accountability within teams. When individuals are aware of the specific timeframe within which they are expected to deliver their work, they are more likely to take ownership of their tasks and ensure timely completion. Deadlines create a sense of responsibility among team members, fostering a proactive approach and reducing the risk of procrastination. At our organization, we foster a collaborative environment where every team member understands the importance of accountability and takes pride in meeting deadlines consistently.

Boosting Efficiency and Productivity:

Meeting project deadlines is directly linked to improved efficiency and productivity. By establishing clear milestones and timeframes, teams can plan their activities, allocate resources optimally, and minimize downtime. Deadlines provide a sense of urgency, driving individuals to work diligently and make efficient use of their time. Our organization excels in this aspect by implementing effective project management techniques, leveraging technology tools, and adopting agile methodologies. We ensure that our teams have the necessary resources, support, and guidance to maximize their productivity and achieve project goals within the designated deadlines.

Fostering Client Satisfaction:

Adhering to project deadlines is vital for ensuring client satisfaction. Meeting or exceeding client expectations in terms of timely delivery enhances trust, credibility, and overall client experience. Deadlines serve as benchmarks for progress, allowing clients to track the project’s trajectory and plan accordingly. Our organization prides itself on its commitment to customer satisfaction. We prioritize communication, provide regular progress updates, and meet project deadlines consistently. By delivering projects on time, we establish long-term partnerships with our clients, earning their confidence and fostering lasting relationships.

Final Thoughts:

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, project deadlines are integral to success. They drive focus, enhance accountability, boost efficiency, and foster client satisfaction. Our organization’s exceptional track record in meeting project deadlines can be attributed to our unwavering commitment, effective project management practices, and dedicated team focused on delivering high-quality results within stipulated timeframes.

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Importance of Having A Website For A Startup Business

In today’s digital age, establishing an online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. For startups, having a website is not just beneficial; it is essential. Let us dive into the importance of having a website for a startup business and how it can contribute to its growth and success.

Online Visibility and Branding:

A website serves as the digital face of a startup business, providing a platform to showcase products, services, and brand identity. It allows startups to establish a professional and credible online presence, making them visible to a wider audience. A well-designed website with engaging content and intuitive navigation helps create a positive brand image and builds trust among potential customers.

24/7 Accessibility:

Unlike physical stores or offices with limited operating hours, a website offers round-the-clock accessibility. Prospective customers can visit the website at their convenience, explore products or services, and make purchases or inquiries at any time. This flexibility in accessibility expands the reach of a startup, enabling it to engage with customers globally and capture opportunities beyond its local market.

Cost-Effective Marketing:

For startups with limited marketing budgets, a website provides a cost-effective platform to promote their offerings. Traditional marketing channels such as print media, television, or radio ads can be expensive and have limited reach. In contrast, digital marketing strategies, such as search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing, and social media integration, can be implemented through a website at a fraction of the cost, targeting a broader audience and generating leads.

Customer Engagement and Communication:

A website facilitates direct communication and engagement with customers. Startups can incorporate contact forms, live chat, or email subscriptions to collect customer inquiries, feedback, or suggestions. These interactions help build customer relationships, address concerns promptly, and tailor products or services to meet customer needs. Engaging content, blogs, or forums on the website can also create a sense of community and encourage customers to stay connected with the brand.

Showcasing Products or Services:

A website allows startups to showcase their products or services in detail. They can provide high-quality images, videos, and descriptions to highlight the unique features and benefits. Through a website, startups can also introduce new offerings, announce promotions, or share success stories, creating opportunities to attract and convert leads. An engaging and informative product/service page can significantly influence a potential customer’s decision-making process.

Data Analytics and Insights:

One of the significant advantages of a website is the ability to track and analyze user data. Through various analytics tools, startups can gain insights into visitor demographics, behavior, and preferences. This data enables businesses to refine their marketing strategies, optimize website performance, and make data-driven decisions. Understanding customer behavior and trends empowers startups to improve their offerings, enhance user experience, and stay ahead of the competition.

Final Thoughts:

In today’s digital landscape, having a website is a prerequisite for startup businesses aiming to succeed and thrive. It offers online visibility, strengthens branding efforts, provides 24/7 accessibility, and facilitates cost-effective marketing. Moreover, a website enables startups to engage with customers, showcase products or services, and leverage data analytics for continuous improvement. By embracing the importance of a website, startups can establish a strong online presence, expand their reach, and lay a solid foundation for growth in the highly competitive business landscape.

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Tips to Create Your Business Website More Impactful

In the predominant age of digitatization, a well-designed and impactful website is crucial for the success of any business. It serves as the online storefront, representing your brand and engaging with customers. Let us will explore effective tips to make your business website more impactful and ensure it leaves a lasting impression on visitors.

Define Your Website’s Purpose:

Before diving into the design and content, clarify the purpose of your website. Is it to generate sales, provide information, or capture leads? Understanding your goals will help you structure the website accordingly and create a clear and concise user journey. Define key actions you want visitors to take and ensure they are prominently displayed and easily accessible.

Keep the Design Clean and Professional:

A cluttered and confusing website can deter visitors. Opt for a clean and professional design that aligns with your brand identity. Use a visually appealing color palette, choose easy-to-read fonts, and ensure a consistent layout throughout the website. Incorporate ample white space to enhance readability and highlight key elements. Remember, simplicity and elegance can go a long way in creating a positive user experience.

Ensure Mobile Responsiveness:

With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, it is crucial to have a mobile-responsive website. Your site should adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and resolutions. Test your website on various devices to ensure it is user-friendly and visually appealing on mobile platforms. A mobile-responsive website not only enhances the user experience but also improves your search engine rankings.

Optimize Page Load Speed:

In today’s fast-paced digital world, visitors have little patience for slow-loading websites. Optimize your website’s performance by minimizing image sizes, leveraging browser caching, and using a reliable hosting service. Compress files and eliminate unnecessary scripts or plugins that may slow down the website. A fast-loading website ensures a smooth user experience, reduces bounce rates, and improves search engine visibility.

Focus on Compelling Content:

Content is a powerful tool to engage visitors and convey your brand’s message effectively. Craft compelling and concise headlines, taglines, and descriptions that resonate with your target audience. Use high-quality images, videos, and infographics to enhance the visual appeal and storytelling. Incorporate clear and persuasive calls-to-action (CTAs) to guide visitors towards desired actions.

Implement SEO Strategies:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in driving organic traffic to your website. Conduct keyword research relevant to your industry and integrate them naturally into your website’s content. Optimize meta tags, titles, and headings to improve search engine visibility. Create relevant and shareable content that encourages backlinks and social media engagement. Regularly update and add fresh content to your website to boost its search engine ranking.

Incorporate User-Friendly Navigation:

Intuitive navigation is essential to ensure visitors can easily find the information they are seeking. Use clear and concise menus, organize content into logical sections, and include a search bar for quick access to specific content. Implement breadcrumb navigation to provide users with a clear understanding of their location within the website. Streamlining navigation enhances user experience, reduces bounce rates, and increases conversions.

Include Testimonials and Social Proof:

Building trust is crucial for the success of your business website. Incorporate testimonials, reviews, and case studies from satisfied customers to establish credibility. Display social media icons and integrate social sharing buttons to encourage visitors to engage with your brand on various platforms. Highlight any awards, certifications, or partnerships to further enhance your reputation and build trust with potential customers.

Final Thoughts:

Creating an impactful business website requires careful planning, attention to detail, and a focus on user experience. By defining your website’s purpose, keeping the design clean and professional, optimizing for mobile responsiveness and page load speed, focusing on compelling

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Reasons why you need search engine optimization

SEO is a sustainable way to market your website. Using SEO to create a regular audience and generate consistent leads is essential for a website’s success. The way we buy things has changed dramatically over the last few years, and even more so with the recent COVID pandemic changing our normal patterns of life and how we go about shopping. Imagine that just ten years ago if you wanted a new TV for your home or a new machine for your business you generally bought it from your local store or from a salesperson who cold-called you. And this has changed entirely.

A business website now does the preliminary part of the sales process. After the research phase, the prospect calls the potential suppliers having done all the initial evaluations and sales process upfront.

Good SEO gets your foot in the door at the start of the evaluation process. You can’t afford to not be there when your client is looking for your products and services. Research has shown that potential buyers are most likely to choose from one of the top three results in a Google search — SEO is what gets your website there!

In the Western world, the largest search engines are Google, Youtube, and Bing. Google is by far the largest and most relevant for boosting traffic to your website as it’s the most frequently used site.

Most people don’t realize that Google is only an index of all the pages on the internet. What this means is that when you type your query into Google, it searches its index, and not the internet. That’s why Google is so fast to give you your search results. Once you click on the search result, Google redirects you to the website.

Website pages that are not listed on Google and other search engines are part of the Dark Web.

Google’s rise as the largest and most used search engine is because they are the best at providing you with the most relevant answers to your questions.

SEO’s goal is for your website to be one of the answers Google provides at the top of its list. Enter the art of SEO.

How do you do SEO?

SEO is a combination of many skills, but we can place them into three silos:

  1. On-page SEO
  2. Off-page SEO
  3. Content

Of the three, off-page SEO is the hardest to get right because it is a combination of great content and interpersonal skills. Both can be very challenging for most people!

On-page SEO

Betelgeuse defines on-page SEO as the practice of optimizing elements on a website (as opposed to links elsewhere on the internet and other external signals collectively known as “off-page SEO”) to improve search engine ranking and visibility.

The following elements are looked at when doing on-page SEO:

  • Title Tag
  • Meta Description
  • Image Alt Text
  • Internal Linking
  • Duplicate Content
  • Page Speed
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Domains
  • URL’s
  • Redirects

Off-page SEO

Betelgeuse defines off-page SEO as actions taken outside of your website to impact your rankings within search engine results pages (SERPs). Optimizing for off-site ranking factors involves improving search engine and user perception of a site’s popularity, relevance, trustworthiness, and authority.

The following elements are looked at when doing off-page SEO:

  • Backlinks
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Guest Blogging
  • Linked and unlinked brand mentions
  • Influencer Marketing

But by far, the most important element is backlinks. Backlinks take on many different forms but the three most relevant are:

1. Natural links: Someone links to a page on your site because they think it’s an appropriate resource.

2. Manually built links: Link-building activities can include things like getting customers to link to your site or asking influencers to share your content.

3. Self-created links: Adding an online directory listing, forum post, or blog comment with a link back to your website. (PS. These can get dodgy so use them carefully.)


Google has become incredibly efficient at deciphering what high-quality original content is, and what’s just fluff. Unfortunately, most content on the web is just fluff. And that’s why it does not rank.

Keywords and keyword research are at the heart of great content that performs well with SEO. Every region has different keywords and phrases that searchers use to describe what they are searching for. If you want your SEO to rank, you need to find out what those keywords and phrases are. The next step is to create great content for that keyword/term that is better than the current ranking websites. This is easier said than done, as great content takes a long time to write. In addition, getting a copywriter to write it is not always the best solution because you know your business best. Copywriters often just regurgitate existing content on the web. It’s not plagiarised, but it’s not original either.

Google knows original content from regurgitated content. Their AI is getting incredibly smart. Write original content for SEO. Get subject matter experts in your business to write it. Get a copywriter to clean it up.

Keep up with the trends

Google is constantly updating its algorithm to improve the way that content shows up in its SERPs. What this means is that the content that might have ranked at the top of the SERPs five years ago, might not even make it onto the first page today, and that’s what makes SEO so tricky.

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What is content strategy?

A content strategy is the best strategy that takes your business goals and then uses content as a main to achieve business goals; we are the best Digital Marketing agency in Chennai.

For instance, your business goals might include improves brand awareness (to ultimately drive more revenue) to achieve this goal, you might implement a content strategy that mainly focuses on SEO to improve website visibility on the SERPs and drive traffic to your products or services.

Content Marketing provides a tremendous opportunity for businesses to boost their results. By delivering valuable and relevant content to visitors, you can develop your online reputation, design a community and grow promoters of your brand.

You can’t reach your content marketing goals if you don’t know what you are looking to achieve. Since different types of content work well in pursuit of some goals rather than others, it’s important to definitely define success from your organization’s perspective first. You can’t end up wasting time on efforts that don’t line up with what you want to accomplish.

Social media marketing assists businesses:
  • Improve brand awareness
  • Design engaged communities
  • Sell products and services using original social commerce solutions
  • Measure brand sentiment through social listening
  • Give customer service on social media platforms
  • marketing their products and services to target visitors
Who will be reading your content?

Who are the target visitors for your content? For how many of them are you creating content? Just as your business might have more than a single type of visitor, your content strategy can cater to more than single type of visitor or viewer.

Using different types of content types and channels will assist you to deliver different content to each type of audience you have in mind and engage everyone your company does business with.

Plan your social content

Once you’re clear on your business goals, it’s the correct time to build a social media content audit on the content you’ve designed so far. Look at what are posts performed well, which ones didn’t and what you posted on each platform. If you’re using a social media management platform like Sprout Social, you can look at all of your social media information and analytics in single place. You can utilize Sprout’s Report Builder for a holistic view of how all of your social media content is performing.

Perform Content Audits

Another aspect of keeping your content marketing strategy on-going is to build periodical content audits. This practice is essential because it authorize you to have a neat snap of what state your current content is in, and if you have enough in each bucket.

Buckets comprise themes, topics, buyer personas (target audiences), buyer stages, and formats. When you complete a content audit, you must know how much content you have in each of these buckets. You may find loss. If so, go back to your strategy and try to catch why.

Keyword optimization

You can use tools such as Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Uber-suggest to detect keywords to optimize your content. You can also look at Answer the Public to detect ideas and questions people ask to give your content a further SEO boost.

Educate with your content

Content has long been king and 2021 was no opposed.

Citing figures from the Content Marketing Institute’s 2021 trends report we are the best Digital marketing agency in Chennai, noted 80% of B2B marketers use content marketing. Before we start speaking about content marketing, which is a very broad topic, I would like to notice the branding, which at the same time is an even broader terms

The way I see and speak about branding is the overall representation of your brand’s reputation, core values, and value proposition. It’s the image that’s left in the visitor’s mind after many interactions with your brand.

For example, if you were to travel an essay service, you’d need students to perceive it as the “best essay writing service” in town/country/continent/world, right? Not just good, but best!

In order to design a “best” content marketing plan, you should have strong branding to back it up. Increase your mission statement, clarify your value proposition, and understand your audience well before you begin.


Content marketing is an art. Since true art demands both talent and skill, it means that you cannot skip the original work. You have to act smart and spend your time sensibly.

Don’t spend too much time pursuing failing strategies. Try to make them work once, twice, but then if you really don’t feel it, just down it. Use the analytics but utilize your intuition too.

Start a trendy campaign, create a new article, and do something new each day. Tomorrow is a new day – that’s the mind-set. Content marketing mastery is reached through consistent and persistent learning and testing.

Create a workflow

In your content strategy, workflow is just the sequence of steps that takes an asset from interest to publication. Your workflow must clearly identify who will do what.

Since designing a piece of content involves multiple components, you’ll want to get granular with your steps—even if you’re a team of one. This way, as you get more resources and set more ambitious goals, you’ll every time have a clear process.

Choose your social media platforms

Before you initiated churning out content, you must make sure that you’re using a platform where your target audience actually hangs out. Different social media platforms attract different demographics. Research which platforms are most famous with people who match your customer profile.

Latest business keeper might assume a content strategy is a ‘nice-to-have, but not totally necessary early on. However, producing high-quality content to meet business wants should assist companies to build trust with the latest audiences and, ultimately, succeed over the long haul.

A sound content strategy supports on both sides of your product, those who are still figuring out what their major challenges are, and those who are already using your product to overcome these challenges.

Your content supports the solution(s) you’re offering and makes your visitors more qualified users of your product.

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 Attractive Reasons for Set-up a Re-Marketing Campaign

  • Remarketing is the most important strategy for increasing sales conversions.
  • A remarketing campaign is the best way to create brand recognition.
  • Third-party tools make remarketing-campaign setup easy.
The Different Types of Remarketing

We are the best digital marketing Agency in Chennai, when we say remarketing; we’re discussing a whole bucket of different types:

  • Video Remarketing (Google Ads): Your ads are displayed as pre-roll video ads on YouTube and other Google display partners to people that have previously visited your site.
  • Search Remarketing (Google Ads): ads are appearing at the top of the search engine results when someone who has already visited your website searches for particular terms or services.
  • Show Remarketing (Google Ads): ads are shown as display ads on other websites within the Google display ad network.
  • Dynamic Remarketing (Google Ads): Boost your results with dynamic remarketing, which takes remarketing to the next level with ads that cover products or services that visitors viewed on your website or app.
  • Social Media Remarketing: You can use LinkedIn remarketing, Facebook remarketing, and Pinterest remarketing to serve ads to people who have to stay with your website while they browse those social media channels and partner websites.
  • Customer List Remarketing: With both social media marketing and Google Ad words remarketing, you can upload lists of contact data that your visitors have given you. When those people are signed into Google or that specific social media site, you can display their ads across different websites or on that social platform.

Retargeting campaigns permit you to target specific visitors with specific ads to convince them to convert to your offer. These campaigns work because they enable you to display those visitors’ ads who’ve already expressed an interest in your product. With the assist of search engines and social media channels, you can remind them they needed to resolve a problem and why your product offers the best solution.

How Remarketing Works?

It’s not hard to set up a remarketing campaign for your site. What it requires is pixel installation.

When you design a campaign with a particular ad network, the network will provide you with a few pieces of code to attach to your website. Every time the latest viewer visits your site, the code will drop an anonymous browser cookie and the user will be added to your retargeting list. When the same visitors visit another site that hosts display or local ads from your ad network provider, the system will serve your ad to this particular user. This will arise as long as you have an active campaign running.

Google’s move to shut down the use of unauthorized cookies will impact the ability of marketers to remarket. Betelgeuse is the best digital marketing agency in Chennai, That’s why it is important to advertise on platforms based on the Utilize of first-party data that permits tracking. Although the move to a cookie-less, it is still important to start planning now for tools and tactics that will permit you to remarket in the future.

  • Capitalize on lost website traffic.
  • Target people who have already visited your site and shown interest in your donation.
  • Target audiences who are more likely to transform.
  • Keep your brand at top of your mind by strategically displaying ads to interested audiences.
  • Affordable marketing tactics are obtainable on a scope of platforms and channels.
  • Suitable for every industry and vertical.
  • Comes in more ad formats, including display ad, search RLSA, dynamic carousel, and more.
  • For e-commerce dynamic retargeting enables marketers to serve personalized ads for different visitors based on products or services they viewed on your website.

Display remarketing is a huge way to design your brand because there’s so much more creative magic you can infuse into an image ad that will make your visitors devotion and remember you.

I discovered the power of this many years ago when I realized the vast majority of our site traffic:
  • Came to us through non-branded organic searches.
  • Didn’t transform, and left and never came back.
  • The conventional notion of the marketing funnel is a fully out-dated concept for CRO.
  • Today, you don’t have to go from impressions to clicks to conversions, losing visitors on your leaky landing pages. The funnel is a desktop concept from 15 years ago, and we are way past that now.
  • Day, Visitors can parachute into your channels at any stage. It’s almost like a river in that your customers can flow in from any point, and they never really leave either, thanks to remarketing.
Generate sales

As you’ve seen, sales can be one of those results that conversions bring.

For businesses, it can be frustrating to have visitors who make it to the end of the funnel but don’t transform.

Remarketing is the best way to get them to revise and then buy.

Sales are the most valuable goals that you can achieve with remarketing.

Many visitors visit product pages but don’t always purchase for various reasons.

Especially with ads on the Display Network, displaying the product regularly is a strategy that has a psychological side.

Reinforcing this purchase desire is one of the major motivational factors of the strategy.

Common components of a marketing campaign include:
  • Promotion
  • Advertising
  • Distribution
  • Merchandising
  • Pricing
A remarketing program will permit you to track certain pages on your website.
  • This will permit you to identify the customers who spent time on those pages without converting in their first visit.
  • For example, many brands will track their purchase cart pages, so they can target those who leave their shopping carts.
  • Once you have identified the targets, you can then show specialized ads that promote the products they already viewed.
  • These ads, therefore, will be highly customized and promote items that people already showed an interest in, increasing their relevance.
Remarketing offers brands the tools they want to design improved ad experiences.

They can tap into the interests of their visitors and display the content that they have the greatest interest in seeing.

Those who want to design a successful remarketing ad campaign must consider how the following steps can boost their success.

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How to drive more Traffic to Your Website

Use SEO to Increase Your Store’s Discoverability

We are the best SEO agency in Chennai. You want to get your content in front of the correct people. They are the ones that share your content; they are the ones that link to your content; they are the ones that can assist amplify your own innovative content.

Make Sure Your Site is Responsive

The days when internet browsing was done purely on desktop PCs are long gone. Today, many more peoples are than ever before are using mobile devices to access the web, and if you force your viewers to pinch and scroll their way around your site, you’re normally telling them to go elsewhere. We are the best web designing company in Chennai, Even if you have a basic website, you still want to ensure that it is accessible and comfortably viewable across a range of devices, including fewer smartphones.

Establish Content Writing Guidelines

Content writing guidelines assist in normalized the quality of content you produce. Developed a portion of a website style guide.

  • Content formatting requirements
  • The preferred tone of voice
  • Content lengths
  • Image use
  • Fact-checking and citing requirements
  • Internal and external linking
  • Editorial workflow
  • SEO requirements
Attend Conferences

Whatever industry you’re in, chances are there are at least one or two important conventions and conferences that are relevant to your business. Attending these events is the best idea speaking at them is even better. Even a halfway decent speaking engagement is a good step to visualize yourself as a thought leader in your industry and gain significant exposure for your website.

But how do you get started with outreach?

It starts with a list. You design a list of sites and journalists relevant to both your niche and the content you’ve created. And when we say list, we aren’t talking about 15 or 25 people. You want to create lists with 200s of sites and journalists to get the best ROI for your outreach efforts.

Can your visitors actually find your store online?

When visitors search for your products online, you want your store to be one of the topmost results for that search, especially since ⅓ of all clicks go to the first organic result on Google. That prized higher position is a key ingredient for creating sustained, qualified website traffic for your online store.

Post Content to LinkedIn

LinkedIn has become much more than a means of identifying another job. The world’s highest professional social network is now a valuable publishing platform in its own right, which means you must be posting content to LinkedIn on a normal basis.

Gather Data and Publish Reports

Getting traffic to a trendy website can be hard. Especially, when you don’t yet have a large copywriting content to churn new pieces daily.

So focus on quality over quantity in your previous days. Go on a deep Internet dive and gather some interesting industry information, then pack it into a comprehensive report and publish it on your website.

Optimize Your Site

After completing keyword research, it’s the right time to optimize the site, specifically things like title tags and <h> tags and the content (the body of the page) itself. We are the best web development company in Chennai.

On-page optimization is the most important thing because including the keywords you need to rank for within your <h> tags and on-page content can, well, help you rank for them. Your Meta data title also serves as a call-to-action within the SERPs, enticing people to click through to your site instead of a competitor’s (or it will if you write the best one!) Don’t go overboard on the keyword front, though. Write for clicks first and keywords next.

Another key component of optimization is your Meta descriptions. Unlike title tags, <h> tags, and your body content, Meta descriptions couldn’t affect rankings. They do, however, affect clicks.

Repurpose Content

Best blog posts have a long shelf-life. A data-backed post, published on your site could be later repurposed into:

  • A series of social media posts
  • Downloadable charts, graphics, PDFs, etc.,
  • The audio version shared on unauthorized platforms
  • Narrated or screencast video
  • Email marketing sequence
  • Syndicated content for guest posting
Examine Your Analytics Data

Google Analytics is an invaluable source of information on just about every thinkable aspect of your site, from your most popular pages to viewer’s demographics. Keep a close eye on your Analytics data, and use this data to inform your promotional and content strategies. Pay attention to what posts and pages are proving the most famous. Inspect visitor’s data to see how, where and when your site traffic is coming from.


With so many businesses trying to develop the website traffic, there are many opportunities for backlink exchanges. Reach out to suitable sites and offer your content as an additional resource to include in one of the site’s posts. To add an additional incentive, you can provide a mutually beneficial backlink exchange, offering to add one of their links to a post of yours as well.

That’s exactly what we did for one of our visitors, Rainbow Muffler & Brake. We built a blog post for them called, “The Essential Road Trip Checklist for Your Car.” We then found relevant websites through the Pitch box and reached out to those sites to see if they needed to encourage our post.

Start Guest Blogging

Before you say it not, real guest blogging isn’t dead, despite what you may have heard. Protecting a guest post on a reputable site can increase blog traffic to your website and assist design your brand into the bargain. Be warned, though standards for guest blogging have transformed radically during the past eighteen months, and spammy tactics could result in firm penalties.

Research the Competition

If you haven’t used software such BuzzSumo to check out what your competitors are up to, you’re at a huge disadvantage. These services aggregate the social performance of specific sites and content to give you an at-a-glance view of what topics are resonating with readers and, most importantly, making the rounds on social media. Find out what people are reading and talking about, and emulate that specific content to bring traffic to your website.

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The Ultimate Guide to Email Marketing in 2021

Email marketing is one of the best digital marketing practices of communicating with leads and visitors with email. Betelgeuse is the best digital marketing agency in Chennai; Normal email-based marketing messages attached with email newsletters, promotional campaigns, and event announcements. Email marketing generally has a significantly higher ROI than many other marketing channels.

How does email marketing work?

Email marketing is not spam. It’s not an individual note from a previous colleague either. It’s something in between, visitors don’t give their private information softly, and if used correctly email marketing can be both a relationship-building and profit-building tool.

Email marketing is the process of targeting your visitors and audience through email. It assists you to boost conversions and revenue by providing followers and customers with valuable information to help achieve their goals.

When to Use Email Marketing?

There are many more steps to utilize email marketing some of the most common including using the tactic to:

  • Design relationships: create connections through personalized engagement.
  • Boost brand awareness: retain your company and your services top-of-mind for the moment when your prospects are ready to engage.
  • Promote your best content: Use email to share relevant blog content or useful assets with your prospects.
  • Generate leads: Entice subscribers to gives their personal information in exchange for an asset that they’d find valuable.
  • Market your products: you can promote your products and services.
  • Nurture leads: Delight your visitors with content that can help them advanced in their goals.
The Importance of Email Marketing

We have covered the huge question, what is email marketing, but haven’t gotten into why email marketing is so much important for your business. Let’s discuss that now.

Despite the rise of social media and uninvited spam email (which is never the best marketing strategy), email remains the most effective step to nurture leads and boost customer loyalty.

There are many reasons you must make email marketing one of your high priorities, but here is the top:

  1. Email is the no.1 communication channel. Did you know that at least 97% of visitors check their email daily? That can’t be said of any other communication channels.
  2. You own your list. On any social media platform, your account (along with all your fans and posts) should be suspended or deleted at any time, for any reason, without notice. However, you own your email list
  3. Email just converts better. Viewers who buy your products marketed through email spend 135% more than those who do not receive email offers. Email marketing has an ROI (returns on investment) of 4600%. That’s great! And if you are if social media transform even better, think again: the average order value of an email is at least three times higher than that of social media.

Email is easily the good way to make sales online. Now that you know the significance of email marketing, let’s learn the best ways to go over it.

Email marketing is a strategy where businesses built and sends email campaigns to their contact lists. It’s one of the best effective and low-price marketing strategies, especially for businesses looking to leverage their contact list. Businesses think about typical design email marketing campaigns to generate and nurture leads, share news and content, and promote your products and services.

Design Your Email Campaign

With an outline of your email campaign, you are ready to begin creating your emails. This requires initiate choosing how you plan to locate your email marketing campaign, like as manually (not recommended), or using an email marketing tool, such as email marketing software or customer relationship management software that permits you to send a drip campaign. After selecting which platform you need to use, write your email messages and design visuals.

Choose an Email Marketing Platform

While it’s possible to design an email campaign manually, businesses should take advantage of the tools and resources available through email marketing platforms that make it quick and easy for almost anyone to design, schedule and monitor campaigns. There are many great email marketing platforms available, each with varying features, such as Mail-chimp and Hub-Spot. Compare top providers and choose the good email marketing software for your business.

Create Email Messaging

No matter which email marketing platform you choose, most permit you to select a template and begin composing the message for your emails. Ideally, you need to keep the number of copies within the email brief. This is because the more you write, the more people will read. By being concise and to the point, your message will reach more of your viewers. Also, the more customized you can be with your messages, the better.

Reasons Businesses Should Use Email Marketing
  • Affordable: Email marketing is a very cheap form of marketing. Most businesses choose to use an email marketing platform, many of which offer limited free plans or low-priced plans averaging between $10 and $50 per month.
  • Easy to use: Email marketing software systems make it very simple to create emails without any special design expertise, schedule campaigns to send emails automatically, develop A/B test campaigns, and monitor email interactions and user data.
  • Effective: Despite being both affordable and often free as well as simple to use, email marketing is also effective. Nearly 70% of B2B marketers say email marketing is their most productive marketing channel for generating revenue, according to Word Stream.
  • Foster relationships: Businesses can use email marketing to speed up the relationships with existing customers and to stay top of mind. These assists drive repeat sales for businesses as it serves as reminder advertising.
Email Marketing Examples

When designing an email campaign, the best way to get ideas is by looking at examples of existing email marketing campaigns. Look at an email and consider what its overarching goal is and how it works to reach this. Notice that most emails include an easy graphic with straightforward text and a call to action (CTA) button for recipients to take a certain action that helps the business achieve its goal.

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Most effective SEO Strategies 2021

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the best effective ways for attracting potential visitors to your website, but here’s the thing you want to use it in the right way, we are the best SEO Agency in Chennai.

As we initiated to top rank or simply maintain your rankings, you want to keep modifying your SEO strategy in accordance with Google as its algorithm evolves.

Create a List of Keywords

Everything in search engine optimization goes around keywords.

You can simply find keywords that your target customer searches for using Google Suggest.

These usually make stunning keywords for SEO because they come directly from Google.

So you know that viewers are actually searching for them.

I suggest typing a few different keywords into Google until you have a list of about a few keywords.

Keyword research is at the base of any solid SEO strategy. It may seem obvious, but it’s important to design content and web pages that your visitors actually search for. It’s common for huge brands to excess content that doesn’t target specific keyword phrases or targets the same term regularly.

With advanced keyword research, you’ll be able to cover topics audibly without cannibalizing keywords and diluting value. That means extra website traffic, more engagement, and increased conversion rates.

Optimize For On-Page SEO

This step is all about keyword-optimizing your content for SEO, There’s a lot more to on-page SEO than I should cover in a single post.

So if you need to learn more about optimizing your content for SEO, this video may help.

That said here are three on-page SEO techniques that I suggest focusing on in 2021.

If you’re searching for durability and cost-effectiveness when it comes to digital marketing, organic search strategies driven by SEO couldn’t be battered. Not only is SEO in-expensive than paid advertising but its effects are longer lasting.

Internal Linking

Agreed internal linking still works.

But you have to do it correctly.

Specifically, you need to link FROM high-authority web pages TO pages that want authority.

Make Your Content Look Awesome

A design might be the most underrated portion of content marketing.

You can have the good content ever written.

Improve and Update Your Content

This is working surprisingly well right now.

You might have read about the time that I used The Content Re-launch to boost my organic traffic by 270.8%:

And I’m happy to tell you that this approach works well and best.

Focus on user experience (UX)

There is nothing worse than having to navigate a site that you can hardly use. In fact, after more than a few seconds of frustration, many people don’t bother and Google will struggle to make the good out of it too. Things like dead links, error pages, and messy site structures will all impact what visitors take away from your website, we are the best web designing company in Chennai.

Not only do viewers value has best user experience and simple navigation, but this seamlessness also assists Google’s crawlers to scan your content and determine your SERP rankings. Remove anything that slows down your site

Once again, it can’t be enhanced how simple it is to gather the technical stuff right in order for your website and specific content to speak for itself. Whether you’re writing informative blogs, selling a product/service, or easily pointing someone in the right direction, your site wants to be quick, accessible, and simple to use. These days, people expect rapid information and instant results. If your site takes an age to load, they’ll easily move on.

There are many different ways to improve site speed and the overall smoothness of your UX: delete old/defunct plugins, clean up your code, optimize and compress your images, make sure your sub-folders flow and make sense, and use tools like Google Page Speed Insights or GT-matrix to continue to observe in the future.

Pay attention to Google algorithm updates

We have briefly touched on this previously but Google gets smarter and much intuitive by the day. The core updates and tweaks to the algorithm are constant and often unexpected, with sites either benefitting or being penalized for how firmly they adhere to the most recent update.

Rankings and penalties are determined by a type of factors: accessibility, speed, excessive advertising content, etc. Whilst it can’t always be avoided, there are little simple steps you can take to stay within touching distance. Initially, follow industry websites and forums to keep track of recent/impending updates. Google’s Search Console Community is the best start – and make sure to closely track your traffic using services like Google Analytics and SE-Mrush to see where updates may have occurred, so you can then adjust correspondingly.

Improve live content & add missing subtopics

Lastly, you want to remember that there is no real finish line when it comes to your SEO strategy. Constant updates and battling with your competitor’s means that there’s always work to be done, not to mention that you can still improve on what you’ve done already. If you haven’t been using SEO properly previously, going back and updating content with keywords, backlinks, and better readability is the best way to get started. You can even ensure that pages that have been performing better carry on traffic growth or design upon that standard by regularly updating them.

Circling back to your own keyword research, this is the best opportunity to utilize these phrases and competitor analysis as the basis for a long-term content plan. Each keyword should branch off into an excess of others and with that comes more ideas for content. Rather than writing, say, one piece of a specific topic, design it a ‘cornerstone’ article from which a number of other more specific ones create. A proper content examination can be done using tools like SEMrush and Yoast; adding and updating previous content can double your traffic just try to make it as evergreen as possible and be sure to use that internal and external linking we speak about.

If you’re searching for longevity and cost-effectiveness when it comes to your digital marketing, organic search strategies driven by SEO can’t be beaten. Not only is SEO in-expensive than paid advertising but its effects are longer lasting.


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10 Secrets Landing Page Ideas to Improve Your Conversion Rates

  1. Know your audience

Landing pages in here is no single-size-fits-all.

Even in a specific calling, there will be different audiences with different needs. For example, weight loss for men above 35 is a specific niche.

However, some men may be stay-at-home mums while others are busy career men. Some may be obese while others are trying to lose just 5 pounds. Some may prefer yoga while others such managing.

So, if you are targeting these dissimilar audiences, you will need different landing pages that speak to them personally. Your headlines will need to be mismatched.

  1. Research what is not working on your landing page

We can’t tension on this any less anybody who clicks through to your landing page need something or at least will look into what is in for them? And that ‘something’ you decide, must be made visible and very explicit. Confirm everything in your head made it onto the page. They mustn’t be put in the correct place where they have to search and figure out what to do the following landing on your page.

The CTA must be clear. The complete landing page involves a headline, image, and must centre around one product, in particular, to keep it clear and simple. Stress more on how does that product relate to the customers? You can put your call to action near the top of the page, even if your viewers might need more information before they act.

  1. Know who you’re talking to

It’s all too simple to read a list of tactics and shoot to edit your landing pages.

But Mike Lieberman of Square 2 Marketing recommends concentrating on “strategy before tactics.”

He explains: “by choice of jumping in and designing a landing page, we should take the time to understand who is going to be landing on that page, what we want them to read remark, and how we need them to feel when they land on this page. This is critical to receiving that conversion.”

Before we go any further, ask yourself the questions Mike divides. Focus your whole landing page around the answers from headline text to video content. You’ll need to initiate with concrete foundations before we build up. “Today, consumers request private treatment, and when you are moving them along a path with strategic targeting and retargeting, you are able to locate the suitable landing page for where they are at”, assume Big Splash Social‘s Anneline Breetzke. That’s why Breetzke recommends picking the time to design landing pages targeted to your visitors personally because “it makes sense to them as the logical next step, which increases conversions.”

  1. Strong headline and a call-to-action

Your headline will determine just how successfully you’re landing page converts. It should be compact and about 8 to 10 words long. The headline should be benefit-driven and mention the amount of value the followers are getting for ‘free’. If you can speak in the customer’s native language and mark their deep-seated concerns in your headline, you’ll have a successful landing page.

  1. Always deliver value

We believe that behind any high-scoring strategy must stand a higher value proposition a clear, easy statement of the benefits, both tangible and intangible, that the company will provide; along with the approximate price it will charge each visitors segment for those benefits. All of the company’s visitors should see significantly more benefit from the transaction than they are being asked to pay.

  1. Make your landing page copy flow

It’s the way you are communicating with visitors. You can’t convince them to convert without text to tell them why right?  “In my experience, one of the most effective ways to upgrade your landing page conversion is to activity a captivating flow of text,” explains Ollie Smith of ExpertSure. He says: “You want your landing page copy to be convincing, to get the point across, and to be genuine.”

  1. Design a great pre-click experience

Some might incorrectly assume that landing pages are all about a prominent ‘call-to-action or ‘click me’ button. But that’s not it. The best landing pages that convert well are those that permit a good pre-click experience.

Everything that happens before a prospect clicks your ad, Logos, colours, headlines, images; relevance; when and where it’s already seen. These are just small samples of what can impact a prospect’s willingness to click your ad.

What this means is the copy, design, and overall ‘scent’ of the message that constructs someone to your page (generally called the pre-click experience) should lead seamlessly into the landing page experience, maintaining similar copy, imagery, and ‘scent.’”, Read on to understand each of these elements that attach to your landing page’s scent on the page.

  1. Reference Google Ads data

Chances are you’re driving trade to your landing pages from Google Ads campaigns. Instead of sitting blindly and hoping for the good, Lindsey Broussard of Online Optimism recommends diving into your Google Ads data and making personalized tweaks based on the results.

  1. No external links

The only links on your landing page must be to your privacy policy and maybe another legal page like your terms of service. These links should be the below of the page and in a compact, less obtrusive font size.

As mentioned advanced, your landing page only has one objective to turn visitors into followers.

If you have links pointing to your blog or other pages, a percentage of your followers may click on these links and disappear down the rabbit hole without ever subscribing to your list.

  1. A decent ‘Thank You’ page

Last but not least, once a visitor signs up, they must be taken to a thank you page which lets them know that their free gift has been emailed to them, or ask to click on the email confirmation link which was just sent to them. Or say, “Thanks for signing up!”

What matters is that you tell them what they want to know, and this will encourage them that their action (signing up) was acknowledged.

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